It’s your fault for not focusing on your responsibilities
What’s the point of blaming each other? What’s the point of focusing, if it doesn’t make you happy? What’s the point of holding others accountable for our responsibilities?
Last week, I was having one of those walks with my sister where we talked about very interesting subjects and giving them a lot of thought. At the end of it, I thought everybody in their lives at some point had thought about this issues or live them, so in this text, I want to share with you some value I got from that conversation, so I want to talk to you about: focus, fault and responsibility.
“You do everything at the same time, focus more”
Yes, it’s true, you can’t do everything at the same time. Does this mean that you can only do one project at the same time? Yes, if it’s what works best for you. No, if you are a person that likes to have many projects happening at the same time in your life. Just think a bit about the idea that possibly you need to prioritize one of them, but if you have the necessity of being in more than one project at the same time, just let it be. If you’re like me and it brings you joy, do it.
“It’s your fault! If you hadn’t done x, I hadn’t done y”
What does it matter whose fault is it? We aren’t judges that have to deliberate who is innocent and who is guilty to enforce the deserved sentence. We’re people that love each other, do we want to act like that and try to solve difficult situations together or do we want to win the who is guilty game?
It’s his/her fault? It can be. He/she apologized? Maybe not, but if I’m guilty to (or even if I’m totally innocent) why not do my part, even if it’s tough if I love the other person, is it not worth the effort?
“The responsibility isn’t mine, you told me to do this”
Yes, other people have a huge influence on ourselves. Yes, they may even have influenced your decision, but what’s the use of holding the other responsible for my responsibilities? Where does it take me?
Yes, it’s tough. Yes, it isn’t the most pleasant, but take responsability from our actions, choices and everything that regards our lives, for me, in the long run, is the most positive for ourselves and for others.
So the next time that other people question your choices and say that you chose the wrong path, you will be able to answer: “You can even be right, but that choice was my choice and I’m good with it”. I, myself, I wouldn’t trade that for anything.
Final challenge
I would like to finish this text inviting you to change the title of this text and incorporate what value you got from it (if any) to: It’s my fault for focusing on my responsibilities.